confusedandalone: I can see why you chose that name.
Here, I salute you and give you the final say. Live long and prosper.
first time i ever heard anyone say there was 'proof' of noah's flood.. very interesting,.
showed a trawler, where the team dredges regularly in the north sea - for animal bones, massive land animal bones, mammoths.. he said, originally, the bones were sent for analysis, and the dr stated, they were proof of noah's flood.. the north sea area was a land mass of dry grazing lands.
and it was very similar to africa.. many bones were found in london, of lions, hippos, etc ... when they were digging out the underground.. .
confusedandalone: I can see why you chose that name.
Here, I salute you and give you the final say. Live long and prosper.
first time i ever heard anyone say there was 'proof' of noah's flood.. very interesting,.
showed a trawler, where the team dredges regularly in the north sea - for animal bones, massive land animal bones, mammoths.. he said, originally, the bones were sent for analysis, and the dr stated, they were proof of noah's flood.. the north sea area was a land mass of dry grazing lands.
and it was very similar to africa.. many bones were found in london, of lions, hippos, etc ... when they were digging out the underground.. .
fade toblack: I will Pm you soon. since you did not answer my question regarding experimental archaeology, you have not found out? I will let you know.
first time i ever heard anyone say there was 'proof' of noah's flood.. very interesting,.
showed a trawler, where the team dredges regularly in the north sea - for animal bones, massive land animal bones, mammoths.. he said, originally, the bones were sent for analysis, and the dr stated, they were proof of noah's flood.. the north sea area was a land mass of dry grazing lands.
and it was very similar to africa.. many bones were found in london, of lions, hippos, etc ... when they were digging out the underground.. .
confusedandalone: I can see from your comments "billion degrees" "humid as a bitch" any reply you are given from any Poster, is pointless, and a waist of time.
BTW also in your comment, if you re-read that account, and IF you choose to believe it or not, as I said earlier I DON'T CARE!!!!!!! But you for got to mention the fountians in the earth bursting forth. So add to your evaporation sarcasm!
And this, you question the account as not happening, and then say "GOD created the rainbow as a sign that he would never destroy the earth by flood again." Do you fully comprehend what you just did?? in one breath you imply the flood did not happen then you acknowledge God created the rainbow. Nice choice of words "Created" LOL
I'm done
first time i ever heard anyone say there was 'proof' of noah's flood.. very interesting,.
showed a trawler, where the team dredges regularly in the north sea - for animal bones, massive land animal bones, mammoths.. he said, originally, the bones were sent for analysis, and the dr stated, they were proof of noah's flood.. the north sea area was a land mass of dry grazing lands.
and it was very similar to africa.. many bones were found in london, of lions, hippos, etc ... when they were digging out the underground.. .
Fade toBlack: Do you understand what a experimental archaeologistis? I need to ask to besure you know what a experimental archaeologist is.
When In my post did I ever say I was an expert? But now that I have changed the paramiters if this discussion, i.e. the water canopy you choose to attack me. To quote your (in you expert opinion)
If you truly want an answer to your question, ask nicely!
Affectionately: Brother of the Hawk ( I will surrender my mind no more forever)
first time i ever heard anyone say there was 'proof' of noah's flood.. very interesting,.
showed a trawler, where the team dredges regularly in the north sea - for animal bones, massive land animal bones, mammoths.. he said, originally, the bones were sent for analysis, and the dr stated, they were proof of noah's flood.. the north sea area was a land mass of dry grazing lands.
and it was very similar to africa.. many bones were found in london, of lions, hippos, etc ... when they were digging out the underground.. .
cofty: Interesting how one little animal made you change your post. ALMOST. See, like science, and your post, it is as only as good as the one interperting data available., or the one PAYING to have it changed. Viruses are mutating, and vaccines that once worked no longer work. THE SCIENCE HAS TO CHANGE!!!..
Your statement regarding the fossil record being predictable on mountain tops can also be toppled. But I choose not to do that, for you see, I already did that.. Remember I said I am a experimental archaeologist and have been for 25 years.
Not one time has any poster ( perhaps I did miss it) mention the water canopy above the earth. Now, before anyone says," NO PROOF" science has discovered other planets in our own galaxy that do have water canopies, and also have proof planets do vibrate and put off a harmonic. Like I said Cofty, I do love science.
Back to the water canopy. If you believe the flood account or not, I dont care. But If such a canopy did exist (as the Bible states) and in one day it collapsed and the outerspace radiation entered the earths atmosphere then radiocarbon dating is flawed. Example to think about. When an item has been sitting on the ocean floor for centuries, what happens when it reaches the surface? Correct, it immediately starts to deteriorate and disintigrates. That is why said item is captured with the water it is found in. You do not have to be a scientist to comprehend this FACT!!!!!
Every arguement regarding the flood I have come across, this point is overlooked. HOW MUCH did the flood of radiation change how we read or interpret said readings. Fact: even volcanos can change radiocarbon dating. That is WHY scientist have to keep finding better ways to accurately age the planet and other items, because even they know they are not accurate.
affectionately: Brother of the Hawk
first time i ever heard anyone say there was 'proof' of noah's flood.. very interesting,.
showed a trawler, where the team dredges regularly in the north sea - for animal bones, massive land animal bones, mammoths.. he said, originally, the bones were sent for analysis, and the dr stated, they were proof of noah's flood.. the north sea area was a land mass of dry grazing lands.
and it was very similar to africa.. many bones were found in london, of lions, hippos, etc ... when they were digging out the underground.. .
Slimboyfat: I thank you very kindly.
Cofty: take notes, I'm about to drop some knowledge.
These words are yours not mine. " There is no debate" to quote you. "Why are all the marsuapials in the southern hemisphere?"
BOTH: They are not ALL in the southern hemisphere, the North American OPOSSOM lives in the U.S.A. and in Canada. So your comment is flawed. End of debate.
Cofty: These are your words "the fossle record is 100% predictable and are inconsistant with the deluge."
BOTH: I lived in a state in the U.S.A. and at 7ooo plus feet, My family and I constistantly found sea dwelling creatures fossilized. Yes, sea shells at 7000 plus feet. Which shows at one time that mountain was under water. She posted the pictures on another thread. So your comment is flawed. End of debate.
Cofty: These words are yours not mine. " Why do Americans hate science so much?"
BOTH: I cannot speak for all Americans, but this American who is an experimental archaeologist has learned that interpretation is only as good as the next piece of evidence, science included. Scientifically explain the Duckbill Platypus. Just so that you are clear. This American does not hate science. So your comment is flawed. End of debate.
Archaeology has found what they think is the Tower of Bable. The scientific evidence you so need is not there, because no one specifically wrote on any corner stone " This shall be called the Tower of Bable" Get my point, Cofty. But you cannot deni the existance of Babylon. You know, one of the 7 wounder of the world. Not everything in life is about science. Archaeology has and will play a big part in our quest for knowledge.
Affectionatley: Brother of the Hawk ( I will surrender my mind no more, forever) and that also includes you Cofty
first time i ever heard anyone say there was 'proof' of noah's flood.. very interesting,.
showed a trawler, where the team dredges regularly in the north sea - for animal bones, massive land animal bones, mammoths.. he said, originally, the bones were sent for analysis, and the dr stated, they were proof of noah's flood.. the north sea area was a land mass of dry grazing lands.
and it was very similar to africa.. many bones were found in london, of lions, hippos, etc ... when they were digging out the underground.. .
William Penwell:
How did elephants and kangaroos get to the Americas? Lions and Tigers, monkeys for that fact. At some point in history, man moved them.
It was part of acient trading.
hello.. i would like to know about jehovah's witnesses, what they can cannot do.. i am interested in the truth, although it seems a bit confusing.. i have seen a few of jehovah's witness on facebook, and would like to know, why in the literature it says that it is dis-encouraged to have a profile on social network sites, yet many have profiles, why is it like that?
also in commenting on photos on the site, i noticed swearing inappropriate words and behavior from comments on some photos.
is there any knowledge gone to heart to the ones acting this way?
Welcome: jwo4. Many Current JWs are waking up. I am not DFd or disassociate, (YET) but was active for 42 years, and discovered the LIE, YES THE LIE. Not truth. If you ever have need to have a question you would like answered in a private conversation please feel free to PM me.
Affectionately: Brother of the Hawk ( I will surrender my mind no more, forever)
first time i ever heard anyone say there was 'proof' of noah's flood.. very interesting,.
showed a trawler, where the team dredges regularly in the north sea - for animal bones, massive land animal bones, mammoths.. he said, originally, the bones were sent for analysis, and the dr stated, they were proof of noah's flood.. the north sea area was a land mass of dry grazing lands.
and it was very similar to africa.. many bones were found in london, of lions, hippos, etc ... when they were digging out the underground.. .
Interesting topic. For what it is worth here is my 2 cents worth. If the flood did happen or not is a debate that will never end, there is proof, there is no proof. Here is proof, there is proof. With every puff of the wind this topic is tossed about. Fact: If mankind has a common ancestor that evolved from the pool of life or was created by God, than the one language that our common ancestor spoke would still be spoken today. There would have been NO reason to develop any other language. But language changed after the so called flood. Even If our common ancestor migrated over land masses, clothing would have changed, weapons perhaps changed, housing would have changed, trade goods would have changed, but not languages. There would have been NO reason for such a change!! Fact: If you choose to believe the bible or not, It does exist, If you choose to ignore it, that's fine, when every culture past and present has a global deluge account than there has to be something to it. I do not feel a story such as this, with its enduring tenacity can easily be ignored. I will agree that as a religious culture (Christianity) that the flood account will and has held people captive to the concept that if we do not listen to them, God will KILL us as he did back then. Affectionately: Brother of the Hawk ( I will surrender my mind no more, forever)
media alert: press conference wednesday, july 31, 2013, 11:00 am .
civil lawsuit filed against ohio jehovahs witnesses congregation and national organizations by sexual abuse victim .
childhood victim suffered sexual abuse from congregational leader over a four year period .
Here's the link to the news report: